svlog - Query Socklog Log Files

svlog can query, filter and follow socklog log files on Void Linux.


Efficiently displaying and filtering log files can help identify problems quickly. Most logging daemons provide mechanisms to dispatch and store the logs in a user-defined way. However, attempting to create dedicated files for all kinds of queries seems like the wrong approach, especially as we do not know what information we need to look up in future. Systemd provides journalctl to tackle this issue; on non-systemd systems, we are left with grep, sed, awk, sort etc., which can be cumbersome and slow, especially when writing more complex queries. I wrote svlog, a tool to conveniently query and follow changes of socklog log files on Void providing various display options and allowing filtering by service, priority, time and content.


Show all logs which match the regular expression [A-Za-z]lue.ooth (case insensitive) since the last boot and display timestamps in UTC.

svlog -m "[A-Za-z]lue.ooth" -i -b --utc

Show all kernel logs from the previous boot with priority error or lower (-o is currently only support on systems using the GNU C Library [1] as musl libc [2] does not support wtmp).

svlog -o 1 -p ..err kernel

Show all kernel and daemon logs as of a certain timestamp until yesterday.

svlog -s "2022-08-14 13:45" -u yesterday kernel daemon

Show the last 10 lines and all upcoming kernel logs (like svlogtail).

svlog -f kernel



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